

Konami gives the development of Castlevania in the current expenditure of the American ' Play of magazines ': Curse OF Darkness admits. It is kept in 3D again and by the style similarly as Castlevania - to Lament OF Innocence Click Picture (PS2), whose team took over the work. However one uses a new diagram engine.

The heroes are called Hector and Isaac, which are however no Belmonts; nevertheless Belmont in history is to emerge later. The topic of the play is ' revenge ' and it should be darker. The action takes place in the year 1479, three years after Trevor Dracula defeated.

It is about the same time, in which Alucard arose. Possibly cross therefore the ways of the heroes and Alucards, which however only speculation of the ' Play of magazines ' is. According to producer Koji ' Iga ' Igarashi rests Alucard in a magic sleep, after he defeated Dracula 1476. Its zeitlinie and of Hector and Isaac could cross according to Igarashi perhaps somehow.

In the center of the play mechanics ' Innocent Devils ' are located, which one develops and which help Hector in the fight and when moving. Confirmed weapons are so far sword and close, points of experience are present. As bonuses Igarashi wants to insert gladly some levels from Castlevania Resurrection (DC), which was never published. Release: TBA. (thanks on thansenign).

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